High-functioning anxiety may not be defined as a mental health disorder, but it definitely impacts wellbeing. So, what is it and how does it show up in life? Read more
With an overload last year, I’ve been forced to learn and master strategies for reducing stress. I share my “go-to” strategies that work no matter what the load. Read more
Big problems and tough decisions can cause significant stress and anxiety. However, there are ways to increase your confidence to make the 'right' decision. Read more
It's not just the major stuff connected to the COVID-19 pandemic that impacts mental health, there are many less obvious subtle affects from the COVID-19 crisis. Read more
Being locked down in isolation has really tested my sanity. Given COVID isolation isn’t short term, I’ve had to turn things around to salvage my sanity. Read more
While the festive season is full of celebration, it also can be a stressful period, particularly if we expect to be feeling "joyous". So, what's realistic in how we should be feeling? Read more
Adapting to a new job can challenge every aspect of your being. So how can you make things easier for yourself? Increase your resilience? And, even find some enjoyment in those long days? Read more
It is not unusual to feel stress during the festive season. However, you can RECLAIM your FUN by making a few small adjustments to your December. Read more